Saturday, December 11, 2010

My 2 goals for the rest of the year.

Between now and the end of the year, I hope to achieve many things in Chemistry class.  First off, I want to be able to thoroughly understand the concepts of anions and cations, and our new topic, nomenclature.  I think that by reading the book and asking questions in class, I will be able to better understand these topics.  Also before the end of the year, I want to be able to become confident with drawing Lewis Dot Structures correctly.  It will take a lot of practice, but I really want to make sure that I will be able to do them correctly every time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

E-Portfolio- Super Hero Project

1.  Why is this exhibit a good choice for placement in your e-portfolio?

When I did the Super Hero project, I used information about my element, Nickel, to show the different properties and interesting facts about it.  In this process, I feel that I have enhanced my skills on researching and collecting crucial information.   Not only was I able to present this information in an effective manor , using my poster, I also gained knowledge on an element that can be easily overlooked.

2.  What did you find most interesting about this exhibit activity and why?

 I thought that creating a visual learning tool, such as a poster board and super hero, was very interesting to the audience, as well as eye-catching.  This was very interesting for me to see the different ways I could interpret the properties and appearances of Nickel, into a super hero figure. 

3.  In what way(s) did you find this exhibit a challenge to complete?

In this Super Hero Project I found it was challenging when I was researching Nickel, and I had trouble settling on accurate information and numbers for my elements properties such as melting pt, and boiling pt.  However, this has helped me to understand that before I use given information, I should make sure my source is credible.

4.  If you were to do this activity again what changes would you make and why?

If I were to do the Super Hero Project again, I would make my poster more elaborate and have it contain more pictures of what Nickel can look like.  I would also make Nickel Man more appealing.

5.  What change(s) in attitude or behavior helped you to meet the challenge?

By working on the project closer to the date it was assigned, rather than the date it was due, I was able to check over it and not be rushed.  I also maintained concentration and focus during the time period I was gathering research.

6.  What grade would you give yourself for these reflections, from “1” to “4”, where “4” is the best? 

I would give myself a three or four because I felt that my answers to the e-portfolio were truthful as well as meaningful.  However I feel that I also could have been more elaborate on some of the questions.   (ex: # 3 and 5).  I mainly tried my best to give strong, solid answers about my Super Hero Project.  

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"If I were an element, what would it be like?"

If I were an element, I would be Boron.  Boron is a metalloid, and has many interesting and unique properties and uses.  I can compare myself to the element Boron in many different aspects.  For example, Boron creates strong molecular networks, and I like to create friend networks.  Also, Boron can transmit portions of infrared light, and I use my energy to lighten the attitude around me.  This element is very special because it works to help other people, just as I try to do.  It is commonly used for a treatment for arthritis.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What am I learning about myself as a student in chemistry?

I am learning that I like collecting data and I am interested in different experiments in the lab.  I think learning through a textbook helps a lot more than just doing the experiments though.  Also, I learned that a lot of chemistry is about history and nature also, which makes it interesting for me.